Embracing Identity: A Guide for The Entire Adoption Constellation
Nurturing a positive sense of self and belonging within the adoption constellation through identity exploration.
Adoption is an emotional journey exploring who we are, involving our roots, feelings of belonging, and finding ourselves. Birth parents, adoptive parents, and children who have been adopted all go through emotional challenges trying to understand and accept their unique identities.
Our guide, How the Core Issue of Identity Impacts the Entire Adoption Constellation, examines the complexities of identity exploration within the adoption experience. Created by the Families Forever program at NCHS, it offers helpful insights and strategies to support individuals on their personal journeys toward self-discovery and acceptance.

Inside the guide, you'll discover:
- Practical guidance for birth parents, adoptive parents, and children who have been adopted to explore their identities.
- Tips on fostering open communication and building supportive networks within the adoption community.
- Strategies for embracing diversity, self-acceptance, and resilience in cultivating a positive self-image.