Goal$ and Assets: Family Conversations About Money
You already have experiences and strengths around money. This no-cost series focuses on those as a starting point for building more financial knowledge to support your family’s well-being.
During this six-week series, you’ll learn how your experiences before age 7 shaped how you think about money. You will learn new strategies for managing your finances, share your own experiences, ask questions, and talk about activities you can do at home with your child – because your child’s ideas about money are being shaped right now!
This class begins on April 1st and runs through May 6th, meeting every Tuesday. This class will be offered virtually and is open to all! Current NCHS families can also use this class to earn Recognition through Mobility Mentoring. Graduates of the series will receive access to an ongoing support group to continue to learn and build skills.Self-Care and Mindfulness (Virtual)
Self-Care and mindfulness are critical to successful parenting. While parenting can be challenging and rewarding, parenting children through adoption, kinship, foster or guardianship has some additional wrinkles that are also part of the process. Sometimes it is tempting to self-sacrifice or minimize self-care in service to others, and particularly for our children. This can be even more likely when our children have experienced loss, trauma, neglect or other hardships. We will explore, and practice, self-care and mindfulness activities and begin to develop a plan of action to put prioritized activities into practice.
This training will be held online via Zoom and is open to individuals statewide.
Families Forever Support Group (Lincoln)
Social and informal support networks provide parents and families the opportunity to learn from one another and maintain resiliency when experiencing a crisis. We believe adoptive and guardianship families can learn so much from each other and that there is no one better to receive support from, than those that “get it” or have walked in your shoes. We also believe families should celebrate small and big victories together and have some time to relax and visit with one another.
This group is open to current and former Families Forever participants. Childcare will not be available this month.
Families Forever Support Group (Grand Island)
Social and informal support networks provide parents and families the opportunity to learn from one another and maintain resiliency when experiencing a crisis. We believe adoptive and guardianship families can learn so much from each other and that there is no one better to receive support from, than those that “get it” or have walked in your shoes. We also believe families should celebrate small and big victories together and have some time to relax and visit with one another.
We are currently unable to offer childcare during this support group.
This group is open to current and former Families Forever participants.
Click here to download the event flyer.
Cultural Connections
This workshop opens the door to conversation about Transracial and Transcultural adoption.
Participants will explore beliefs, attitudes and knowledge of how race, culture and ethnicity
interact. It is critical that parents in a transracial, transcultural adoption prepare themselves to
parent their children. Topics including implicit bias, racism, identity development and belonging
are explored.
This training will be held virtually and is open to parents, guardians and professionals statewide.
Families Forever Support Group (Omaha)
Social and informal support networks provide parents and families the opportunity to learn from one another and maintain resiliency when experiencing a crisis. We believe adoptive and guardianship families can learn so much from each other and that there is no one better to receive support from, than those that “get it” or have walked in your shoes. We also believe families should celebrate small and big victories together and have some time to relax and visit with one another.
This group is open to current and former Families Forever participants.
Click here to download the event flyer.